
Friday 25 May 2012

The famous Cuffy Rebellion that contribute to the country

Written in Guyana’s rich history is the story of Cuffy or Kofi. It was because of his immense contribution and leadership that nearly led to one of the most successful slave rebellion in Guyana. For this reason a statue has been erected in his honor for the struggle against slavery. His story is quite a unique one. Cuffy was captured from his native land West Africa. The revolt took place in 1763 at the time the Dutch was occupying Guyana. Cuffy was a slave in the Berbice colony on a plantation called Lilienburg. He was a house slave for barrel maker. The revolt originally broke out at the Madgalenenburg plantation. It quickly spread to other plantation where the slaves acquired guns and gun powered from the plantation they conquered.
              Eventually they conquered the plantation that Cuffy was a slave on. Because Cuffy was house slave he was more educated, and the rebels accepted his as their leader. Cuffy appointed his trust worthy friend Akara as his general. The Rebellion had by then grown to a number of over five hundred. Cuffy strove to establish order and discipline in his troop. Cuffy tried to avoid bloodshed by writing to the governor proposing a partition of Berbice where the Dutch would get the coastlands and the rebels would occupy the interior. The governor however was very clever and kept writing back and forth to Cuffy in order to stall him until reinforcement arrived. Cuffy realized this too late and when he did decided to attack it was too late and they were driven back. This defeat brought disunity in the ranks and Akara broke became the leader of the group that was opposing Cuffy and fight broke out between the rebels. In the end Cuffy lost and took his life in belief that by taking his own life his soul would return to Africa. on every 23rd of Feburay Guyana celebrates it Republic day in memory of Cuffy's struggle. This is a rich part of Guyana that shows the will and might of the Guyanese people to secure their freedom at any cost.

Additional Information:

Documentary on the revolt:
                                        documentary on the 1763 rebellion
                                        documentary part 2
                                        documentary part 3

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